We came across this interesting article about Preservation Green Lab’s Louisville research and the ongoing tension between development and preservation. VBNA has recently been involved with Louisville Visual Art and Art Sanctuary to re-purpose warehouse space into arts space for work, events, and education.
We have always been involved with this work on projects as diverse as Water Tower Square in Jeffersonville and Hope Mills Building in Germantown to the Valley High School and EKU Library projects recently. Adaptive reuse is a greener building method and revitalizes areas of cities which most need it. There are inevitably spatial surprises and opportunities that don’t necessarily come about in a new building on a greenfield site. Neighborhoods such as Portland and Germantown/Schnitzelburg are following the successes of Frankfort Avenue and NULU and we’ve been proud to have been a part of these stories.
Please visit our partners at louisvillevisualart.org and art-sanctuary.org