Ekstrom Library – Major Addition and Renovation
University of Louisville
Louisville, Kentucky
The library expansion is organized on 3 levels around a naturally lit central atrium space and is connected to the existing building at all levels. A three story volume “book box” houses the Automated Storage Retrieval System (ASRS) which is capable of holding over 1.2 million volumes. The Entry Level has an open lobby with a circulation desk and work area, a 24-hour study room and café, IT Classroom, and instructional labs. The Lower Level contains a 150-seat auditorium. The Upper Level is home to The McConnell Center, open reading areas, and display.
The Ekstrom Library Expansion was honored by the AIA Kentucky chapter with an Awards for Excellence in Architectural Design at the 2006 AIA Kentucky Honor Awards Program. It was also selected for publication in Penton Media’s American School & University 2007 Architectural Portfolio. An annual competition honoring education design excellence, the Architectural Portfolio spotlights projects representing some of the most effective learning environments in America.
University of Louisville
50,000 s.f.
Complete in March 2006
Project Team:
Design Architect: Hillier, Inc.
MEP Engineers: CMTA, Inc.
Structural Engineers: Slesser Engineering, Inc.
McConnell—Chao Archives
Ekstrom Library
University of Louisville
Louisville, Kentucky
The McConnell—Chao Archives is the repository of the papers for Senator Mitch McConnell and Secretary of Labor Elaine Chao. The program includes an Archives Vault, a Reading Room, Workroom, Office, Exhibit Hall, and library support spaces.
University of Louisville
7,000 s.f.
Completed 2009
Project Team:
Exhibit Design Solid Light